How to use FAPI feature

How to use FAPI feature

FAPI Profile


This document explains how to use Financial-grade API (FAPI) feature in Authlete.

FAPI feature is available since Authlete 2.0.

If you are using Authlete 2.2+, refer to “Financial-grade API (FAPI) Basics “.


FAPI defines two types of security profiles. One is read-only API profile (specified in FAPI part1) and the other one is read-and-write API profile (specified in FAPI part2). Requirements for authorization servers in both profiles are different, thus the behavior of authorization servers varies depending on which security profile it is based on. To enable FAPI feature in Authlete, you need to configure your service and client so that they satisfy the requirements in either of the profiles above. Additionally, request parameters that your client sends to your service (authorization server) also need to be configured appropriately because Authlete determines whether FAPI feature is enabled or not at runtime . This means FAPI feature is not enabled in Authlete when request parameters are not configured properly even if the configurations of your service and client meet FAPI requirements. The following steps briefly explain how Authlete determines whether to enable FAPI or not at runtime:

  1. Extract scopes that are contained in the request or associated with the request
  2. Check the scope attributes (see Appendix 1) associated with each scope as follows:
Condition Authlete behavior
When the scope has a fapi read-only attribute (“key = fapi ” and “value = r ”) Authlete behaves based on read-only API profile.
When the scope has a fapi read-and-write attribute (“key = fapi ” and “value = rw ”) Authlete behaves based on read-and-write API profile.
Otherwise Authlete bahaves based on regular OAuth2.0/OIDC flows. 

In the following sections, we will see more details of how to configure a service, a client and request parameters for both profiles.

Service configurations

This section explains how to configure a service to support FAPI profiles.

Configurations for read-only API profile

Configure a service as below.

Property Configuration
Supported Service Profiles Choose FAPI .
Supported Client Authentication Methods Choose at least one of the followings.
Note: If all the FAPI clients communicating with this service are public clients, this configuration is not mandatory.
Supported Scopes Create at least a scope that has an “read-only” attribute.

Configurations for read-and-write API profile

To support read-and-write API profile, you need to configure a service according to the configurations for read-only API profile and the following additional configurations. (Some configurations for read-only API profile are overridden.)

Property Configuration
Supported Authentication Context Class References Set an appropriate value.(e.g. urn:mace:incommon:iap:silver)
Supported Response Types Choose at least one of the followings.
Note: If all the FAPI clients communicating with this service use JARM (See Appendix 2), this configuration is not mandatory.
Supported Client Authentication Methods Choose at least one of the followings.
Note: If all the FAPI clients communicating with this service are public clients, this configuration is not mandatory.
TLS Client Certificate Bound Access Tokens Choose Supported .
Supported Scopes Create at least a scope that has an “read-and-write” attribute.

Client configurations

This section explains how to configure a client to support FAPI profiles.

Configurations for read-only API profile

Configure a client as below.

Property Configuration
Client Authentication Method If this client is a confidential client, choose one of the followings.
Redirect Uris Set a URI starting with https.
JWK Set Content Note: this configuration is not mandatory if “JWK Set URI” is used.If this client uses PRIVATE_KEY_JWT as its client authentication method, the value of this property must contain a public key for verifying assertion signature and the key must satisfy the requirements in Appendix 3.
JWK Set URI Note: this configuration is not mandatory if “JWK Set Content” is used.If this client uses PRIVATE_KEY_JWT as its client authentication method, the value of the JWK set pointed by this property must contain a public key for verifying assertion signature and the key must satisfy the requirements in Appendix 3.

Configurations for read-and-write API profile

To support read-and-write API profile, you need to configure a client according to the configurations for read-only API profile and the following additional configurations. (Some configurations for read-only API profile are overridden.)

Property Configuration
Response Type Choose at least one of the followings.
Note: If this client uses JARM (See Appendix 2), this configuration is not mandatory.
Supported Client Authentication Methods If this client is a confidential client, choose one of the followings.
TLS Client Certificate Bound Access Tokens Choose Enabled .
Authorization Response Signature Algorithm If this client uses JARM, choose one of the followings.
  • PS256
  • ES256
Assertion Signature Algorithm If this client uses PRIVATE_KEY_JWT as its client authentication method, choose one of the followings.
  • PS256
  • ES256
Request Object Signature Algorithm Choose one of the followings.
  • PS256
  • ES256
ID Token Signature Algorithm If this client asks the authorization server for ID tokens, choose one of the followings.
  • PS256
  • ES256
User Info Signature Algorithm If this client uses user info endpoint, choose one of the followings.
  • PS256
  • ES256


This section explains how to configure request parameters (for authorization endpoint and token endpoint) to support FAPI profiles.

Authorization request

Authorization request for read-only API profile

Requirements for request parameters
Parameter Requirement
redirect_uri Set a URI that satisfies the following requirements.
  • Must exactly match one of the pre-registered redirect URIs.
  • Must start with https.
state Required if ‘openid’ scope is not contained in the ‘scope’ request parameters.
code_challenge Set a value that complies with PKCE (RFC 7636).
code_challenge_method Must be ‘S256’.
scope Must include at least a scope that has an “read-only” attribute.
# An example request from a public client.
# Note:
#   * scope: 'account' scope has a "read-only" attribute.
#   * state: Optional but recommended (OAuth 2.0).
#   * nonce: Required if the 'response_type' request parameter contains
#      'id_token' (OpenID Connect).
GET /api/authorization?


Authorization request for read-and-write API profile

Requirements for request parameters
To support read-and-write API profile, you need to configure request parameters according to the requirements for read-only API profile and the following additional requirements. (Some requirements for read-only API profile are overridden.)

Parameter Requirements
request Note: If 'request_uri' parameter is used, this requirement is not mandatory.Set a request object that satisfy the requirements in Appendix 4.
request_uri Note: If 'request' parameter is used, this requirement is not mandatory.Set a URL pointing a request object that satisfy the requirements in Appendix 4.
response_type Set 'code id_token' or 'code id_token token'.Note: If this client always uses JARM, this requirement is not mandatory.
code_challenge Set a value that complies with PKCE (RFC 7636 ) if this client is a public client.
code_challenge_method Must be 'S256' if this client is a public client.
scope Must include at least a scope that has an "read-and-write" attribute.
claims Must include the 'acr' claim as an essential claim ("essential":true).
  "id_token": {
    "acr": {
      "essential": true,
      "values": ["urn:mace:incommon:iap:silver"]
# An example request from a confidential client.
# Note:
#   * scope: 'account' scope has a "read-and-write" attribute.
#   * state: Optional but recommended (OAuth 2.0).
#   * nonce: Required if the 'response_type' request parameter contains
#      'id_token' (OpenID Connect).
GET /api/authorization?


Token request

Token request for read-only API profile

Requirements for request parameters
Parameter Requirement
client_assertion If this client uses PRIVATE_KEY_JWT as its client authentication method, the value of this property must contain a public key for verifying assertion signature and the key must satisfy the requirements in Appendix 3.
# An example request from a public client.
POST /api/token


Token request for read-and-write API profile

Requirements for request parameters
To support read-and-write API profile, you need to configure request parameters according to the requirements for read-only API profile and the following additional requirements. (Some requirements for read-only API profile are overridden.)

Parameter Requirement
client_assertion If this client uses PRIVATE_KEY_JWT as its client authentication method, the value of this peroperty must be signed with the algorithm specified as ‘Assertion Signature Algorithm’.

Client certificate
The client needs to present a cleint certificate to the token endpont as ‘TLS Client Certificate Bound Access Tokens’ is enabled for the client,

# An example request from a confidential client.
# Note:
#   * The client uses PRIVATE_KEY_JWT as its client authentication method.
#   * The client needs to present a cleint certificate to the token endpont,
#      as 'TLS Client Certificate Bound Access Tokens' is enabled for the client.
POST /api/token



1. Scope attributes

See this article.


See this article.

3. Requirements for key size

FAPI Part1 says

Financial Services – Financial API - Part 1, 5.2.2. Authorization Server

The authorization server,
  5. shall require a key of size 2048 bits or larger if RSA
    algorithms are used for the client authentication;
  6. shall require a key of size 160 bits or larger if elliptic
    curve algorithms are used for the client authentication;

Then, a public key for singing a client assertion (JWS) and a private key for verifying the signature must satisfy the following requirements.

Client assertion algorithm type Requirements for key size
RSA algorithm The key size must be equal to or larger than 2048 bits.
EC algorithm The key size must be equal to or larger than 160 bits.
Otherwise No requirements.

4. Requirements for request objects

FAPI Part2 says

Financial Services – Financial API - Part 2, 5.2.2. Authorization Server

The authorization server,
  1. shall require the request or request_uri parameter to be passed as a JWS signed JWT as in clause 6 of [OIDC];
  10. shall require that all parameters are present inside the signed request object passed in the request or request_uri parameter;
  13. shall require the request object to contain an exp claim;
  15. shall require the aud claim in the request object to be, or to be an array containing, the OP’s Issuer Identifier URL;

Additionally, the following requirements for JWS signature must be satisfied.

Financial Services – Financial API - Part 2, 8.6 JWS algorithm considerations

Both clients and authorization servers:
    1. shall use PS256 or ES256 algorithms;
    2. should not use algorithms that use RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 (e.g. RS256);
    3. shall not use none;

In sum, in order to support read-and-write API profile, request objects

  • Must be signed with the algorithm specified as ‘Request Object Signature Algorithm’.
  • Must include all the request parameters.
  • Must include the ’exp’ claim
  • Must include the ‘aud’ claim and the value must be the value of ‘Token Issuer Identifier’.

The following example shows the payload of a request object that satisfies the requirements.

  "response_type": "code id_token",
  "exp": 1554973000,
  "aud": "",
  "client_id": "291985138172",
  "scope": "openid payments",
  "redirect_uri": "",
  "state": "mystate",
  "nonce": "mynonce",
  "claims": {
    "id_token": {
      "acr": {
        "values": ["urn:mace:incommon:iap:silver"],
        "essential": true